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Year 3 Admissions September 2024

New Year 3 Intake - Thomas A Becket Junior School September 2024


We are delighted that your child will be joining us in September, and would like to welcome the whole family to our school. We are sure that they will have a happy and fulfilling time with us and we have a range of activities to help ease the transition from infant school to junior school for all the family.

School Uniform


Uniform can be purchased from Broadwater Sports or First4Uniform.  Please click here to see our school uniform page.



We also have our very own ‘pre-loved’ school uniform shop which is open all year round during term time.


School Start and End Routines and Times


Please note that the new school term begins for the children on Tuesday 3rd September. On the first morning, please bring your children to the playground at 9.30am, where they will be met by their class teacher and put into class lines.  At the end of the day they should be collected at 3.00pm from those same lines on the playground.


For the rest of the week, the children will be expected to arrive and go to their allocated class line space on the playground  from 8:30am and will be walked to class by their teacher at approximately 8:35am. Registers will be taken each morning during this time and close at 8.45am. At the end of the school day at 3:00pm, the children will be brought out to the same place on the playground to be collected. During the first week, the children will have been familiarised with walking themselves into school at the front entrance in readiness for their second week in school.


Start of the Day

End of the Day

Tuesday 3rd September

Please bring your children to the playground at 9:30am, where they will be met by their class teacher and put into class lines.

Please collect your child at 3:00pm from the class lines on the playground.

Wednesday 4th September - Friday 6th September


Children should arrive and go to their allocated class line space on the playground from 8:30am and will be walked to the class by their teacher at approximately 8:35am - Registers will be taken each morning and close at 8:45am.


The children will be brought to the playground at 3:00pm to be collected.

Week 2 - Monday 9th September - Friday 13th September


The children should arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:40am and walk straight to their classroom.  There will be Year 3 teaching staff and members of the Senior Leadership team at the front of the school and stationed on the route round to the classrooms to direct them where to go.  The children should be in class ready for registers to be taken which will close at 8:45am.


The children will be brought to the playground at 3:00pm to be collected.

Week 3 - Monday 16th September onwards


The children should arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:40am and walk straight to their classroom ready for registers to be taken which will close at 8:45am.  There will be members of the Senior Leadership team at the front of the school to direct the children if they need it.


The children will be brought to the playground at 3:00pm to be collected.


Welcome to Year 3 Presentation:


2024 welcome to y3 parents evening presentation.pdf


looking forward to y3.pdf


Meet our Year 3 teachers