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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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FOS - Friends of the School

Who are Friends of the School?
All parents, guardians and carers become 'friends of the school' when their children join Thomas A Becket Junior School. Everyone is welcome! Please come along and get involved with as much or as little as you may have time for. If you are able to help in any shape or form please email fos@tabjunior.org.uk or speak to the main reception.

What does Friends of the School do?

Throughout the school year we organise a variety of events to raise funds which directly benefit the children who are at the school now. Some of the events we organise are listed below.

Fireworks - October

Join us for our musical firework extravaganza event – this event has been a real success! Hot dogs and refreshments will be available in the evening.

Christmas Raffle - December

Our Christmas raffle has excellent prizes including hampers that each class has made.  Before the pandemic, we used to organise a Christmas Fair with fantastic stalls and fun activities for all ages, and we may wish to return to organising this great event again.

Summer Fair - June/July

Our Summer Fair is a fantastic event with many stalls outside on the field providing fun games, a tombola, refreshments and much more. We also have a separate licensed bar next to the BBQ, which can act as a crèche for the adults!

 How are the funds raised used to benefit the children?

All requests for funding school projects are presented to the committee to be agreed upon.

 The criteria for funding is that it must benefit the children and be additional to the curriculum.

 Some of the many projects funded or part funded by friends of the school include:


  • Soundproofing for the music practice room
  • Forest School equipment
  • Blaze pods
  • Year 6 End of SATs fun day
  • Interactive whiteboards for all year 6 classrooms
  • Sports Leader t-shirts
  • African drums for the music department
  • Boost running club resources
  • Living eggs programme
  • Hatching butterflies
  • Lego Creative robots
  • Keyboards and voice recorders for the music department
  • Guinea Pigs
  • The sensory trail around the school
