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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

The children begin in the autumn term with our first topic ‘Journeys’ as we travel eagerly through many aspects of the year 4 curriculum. In English, we read and study the wonderful book ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ by Kate DiCamillo. The children develop their talk skills by engaging in discussion about the characters in the story leading to them including such observations in their own journey story. Meanwhile, in R.E., we delve into the profound Buddhist journey towards enlightenment, and in history, we unravel the journey of chronology through a hands-on experience with Worthing Museum, where artefacts breathe life into our understanding. We focus on the journey of electricity in science and the children enjoy investigating circuits and building on their prior knowledge.

After half-term, we continue our journey theme with the Roman invasion of Britain, which builds on the previous learning from year 3 linked to the Iron Age (just before the Romans invaded). We begin with a Roman activity week where the children undertake enrichment activities to discover, through first-hand experience, just what it was like to be a Celt living in Britain and being invaded by the Romans. Following that, the children visit Fishbourne Roman Palace to enhance their understanding of this time period. In other subjects, we look at the Christmas journey. In science, we learn about the journey of our digestion (which is fascinating and gruesome at the same time!).



‘Water, Water, Everywhere’ is our theme for the spring term. In geography, we look at geological features such as mountains, rivers and coastlines and undertake map work to develop the children’s understanding further. The children engage in collaborative enquiry-based learning to find out why all rivers run into the sea and create an explanation text to share their knowledge and understanding. In science the children learn about solids, liquids and gases and link their geographical work to learning about the water cycle. Building on this focus on water, we take an in-depth look at the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and how the author, Michael Morpurgo, manages to create such effective setting descriptions. We also learn about the wonderful, vibrant religion of
Hinduism and enjoy a memorable trip to the amazing Apple Tree Centre – a Hindu temple in Crawley. We finish the first half-term by carrying out an Indian food tasting.







After half term, the children continue their geographical research and create an explanation text to share their knowledge and understanding. In art across the two half-terms, the children learn about various different mediums and create a mixed media seascape. They also learn how to paint on silk and create beautiful silk mandalas linked to their Hinduism learning.

The final term takes us into a more global dimension and we consider the natural world around us. ‘From Pharaohs to Forest’ is an exploration of the environment and how vital it is to our lives. We begin by learning about Egypt and leading on from the river research the children did in the previous term they learn why the Egyptians settled along the bank of the River Nile. Following on from this, the children engage in forest school activities and explore the local woodland. Naturally, given the strong geographical focus, the children build on their map work from the previous term and widen their focus from the U.K to Europe. Over the summer term, art is driven by the woodland theme with a study of silver birch trees and the work of Klimt and then moving onto Goldsworthy and land art. In R.E. the children move on to learn about Sikhism and by this point they are able to compare and contrast the different religions that they have learnt about. Writing takes the children on another journey, this time to Egypt, as they travel through their portal to the land that they have learnt so much about.

In the final stretch of the summer term, students engage in an enterprise project. Working in groups, they use their talk skills to brainstorm ideas, deliberate, and collectively agree on crafting items from recycled materials. These creations serve the dual purpose of raising funds for environmental causes while fostering teamwork and creativity among the children.


The curriculum we provide in year 4 is just the tip of the iceberg! The children enjoy developing their talk skills further, reflecting on how they can become more confident and independent in their learning. They are taught knowledge and skills for life and are encouraged to be ‘active’ and questioning as they learn; collaborating with each other in order to develop their understanding. It is an exciting and rewarding year – for the children and staff alike!

The Year 4 Team

Welcome Meeting Presentation

Welcome Meeting Autumn 2024

Curriculum Newsletters:

Spring Term Email to Parents and Curriculum Map

Y4 Enrichment Spring Term

Autumn Email to Parents

Year 4 Curriculum Map Autumn Term

Year 4 Overview Autumn Term

Lodge Hill 2025

Year 4 Lodge Hill PresentationYear 4 Lodge Hill Parents Letter 2025