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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Sports Leaders

Children in Year 6 have the opportunity to apply to become a sports leader, a role which brings great responsibility and enjoyment. It is a role which has developed over the past 8 years into one which allows children to become role models within the school as well as developing their basic coaching skills in a range of sports. Children who become Sports Leaders have to show good sporting ability but also skills in leadership, responsibility, time management, team work, organisation and communication.


Leaders work very hard to support our Year 3 children in PE/Games sessions on a weekly basis as well as helping staff run after-school clubs. They also take opportunities to support inter year/house events in school as well as inter-school events, such as cross country. During these events, leaders take on a range of roles from coaching, warm ups and score keeping.  During the year, TAB Sports Leaders plan, run and assess sporting events for Year 2 children at our main feeder school.


Our Sports Leaders also support our FOS events at Christmas and summer Fairs by running sporting stalls. Some of our Sports Leaders have also had the chance to develop their skills further by joining other leaders from other schools to work with the Worthing Schools’ Sports Association (WSSA) PE Leader to become a Legacy Leader.


You will spot our leaders wearing their black t-shirts with great pride in PE/Games lessons and at after-school clubs. Look out for them on our noticeboard outside the Gym.