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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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School Council

The School Council is an elected group of children who represent their class at regular meetings, discussing a wide range of School issues. The School Council is valued by the children as it gives them the opportunity to be involved in decisions about their School, and allows them to make suggestions and voice their opinion about issues that concern them.

When does it meet?

Meetings take place every fortnight during the school day.

Who are the School Council Representatives?

School Council Representatives are elected by their class to attend meetings and cascade information and discussion points back to their class. Other children can ask their ‘rep’ to raise concerns at school council meetings. The chair is responsible for responding to any concerns based on the discussion at the meeting. Photographs of the ‘reps’ are displayed on the School Council Notice Board.

The School Council itself elects four of its members to undertake the key roles of Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These children are mentored as they learn the skills of running meetings and facilitating discussions. Mrs Linford (Headteacher), assistant heads, and governors also attend meetings when they can too!

What does the School Council do?


  • Discuss and feedback to classes about school issues, e.g. behaviour, school environment, fundraising etc.
  • Arrange for the purchase of new play equipment.
  • Help to combat bullying.
  • Organise competitions and fundraising for the school.

The School Council is valued by the children as it gives them the opportunity to be involved in decisions about their school and allows them to make suggestions and voice their opinion about issues that concern them.