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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Head's Welcome

HeadThank you for visiting our school’s website - on behalf of everyone at TAB, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all. We hope that the information on our website will help you understand the aims and working practices of our school community.


We are very proud of our school, a unique school – large in size but with an ethos where everyone is known and cared for. Our motto – ‘Together Achieving Better’ represents our aim for every member of the TAB community to be the ‘best they can be’ – the principle of everyone trying their best, together, sits at the heart of what we do every day. Our large school enables the children to experience the diversity that prepares them for secondary school and the world of work beyond.


We appreciate that each child is special and unique and that it is our job to bring out the best in them. In return we expect high standards of learning and behaviour, working in close, co-operative partnership with parents and carers to help achieve this.


As a former middle school we have an amazing array of resources to support each child’s learning – including dedicated specialist spaces for learning in computing/e-Learning, science, cooking, sport, art, music, and design technology. These combined with expert, enthusiastic teaching staff allow the children to develop their interests and strengths across the broadest of curriculums, packed with rich, exciting, purposeful learning opportunities, enhanced by a huge range of clubs.


We aim to help each child develop as a successful learner, confident individual and responsible citizen, and develop their capabilities to the full, learning to respect others, express themselves with fluency and confidence, and understand the world in which they live.

This website offers a snapshot of what life is like at Thomas A Becket Junior School and is no substitute for a visit. Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We warmly encourage visits to the school so that you can experience the learning environment for yourselves. Please make an appointment through the school office. 

We very much look forward to working in close partnership with all our parents, so that every Thomas A Becket pupil not only fulfils his or her potential, but enjoys a purposeful and happy time at school.

Becky Linford

