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Thomas A Becket Junior School

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Thomas A Becket Junior School is categorised as a Community School and the age range of the children is 7-11 years.

 The published admission number (PAN) is as follows:

Year 3 - 192

Year 4 - 192

Year 5 - 192

Year 6 - 192

 Admissions are the responsibility of the Local Authority and applications should be made through their offices at:

Worthing (South) Pupil Admissions Office:

Bridge House

Barrington Road



BN12 4SE

Tel: 03330 142903
E-mail: admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk

Under the Education Act, parents can express a preference for a particular school, but do not have a right to choose a school.

The West Sussex Education Authority does, however, make every effort to meet parental preference where possible.

Further information is contained in the Authority's booklet 'Information for Parents', a copy of which is available from the Admissions Office, and is also available from the West Sussex Grid for Learning website

Visits to the school prior to making an application are very welcome. Please phone 01903 202268 to make an appointment.